What I read in April 2020
What I read in April 2020
It’s time to find out what I read in April 2020. Let’s wrap up the month and see what books I read, liked, didn’t like and more. I’ll also dive into a few readathons I’ve participated in. Maybe we will even get around to see if I made any progress on my reading challenges in April 2020.
First of all, I just want to stress the fact that I don’t see reading as a competition and I do have months where I don’t read anything, and other times where I read a lot of books. It all depends on my mood, my sparetime and whatever else is going on. So please, don’t feel bad if you don’t read 300 books a year! I only started tracking my reading because it’s fun and to see if anyone else might have read the same books.
Feel free to let what I read this month, inspire you to read anything you want.
Readathons in April
So, in April 2020 I participated in 2 readathons. These were the now annual O.W.L.s magical readathon hosted by Book Roast and a playlist of the decades readathon by Blossoming Reading (in Danish). I had planned to do some reading during Deweys 24 hour readathon. But as we had guests most of the day, that didn’t happen.
If you follow the links in the text above, you can see/read more about the readathons. They were all scheduled to take place in April on various social media, but of course, as with most reading for fun, you can pick up the challenges whenever you want. So if you feel like doing some magical reading, anytime is a good time!
What I read this month
I read a total of 17 books in April and if you’re curious to follow my reading more in real time, feel free to befriend me on Goodreads. This was a good reading month for me. Which in part is owed to the fact that I read a book series again, that I first read as a young child. There was also the Easter Holidays and of course a global pandemic, which pretty much blocked other activities I normally would have spent time on.
I read the following in April (find the reviews through my collection of book reviews, where they will show up when I get around to write them):
- “Fantastic Beasts & where to find them” illustrated edition by J.K. Rowling and Olivia Lomenech Gill
- “Slade House” by David Mitchell
- “Maybe a Fox” by Kathi Appelt & Alison McGhee
- “The Scruffy Piper – A Timelord fairytale” by Justin Richards
- “Marilla of Green Gables” by Sarah McCoy
- “The Theater & its double” by Antonin Artaud
- “Little House on Rocky Ridge” (Little House: The Rose Years #1 ) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “Little Farm in the Ozarks” (#2 ) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “In the Land of the Big Red Apple” (#3 ) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “On the Other Side of the Hill” (#4 ) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “Little Town in the Ozarks” (#5 ) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “On the Banks of the Bayou” (6) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “New Dawn on Rocky Ridge” (#7 ) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “Bachelor Girl” (#8 ) by Roger Lea MacBride
- “Da Victor Rejste til den 7. Himmel for at finde Bedste” af Louise Lund Olesen (DK)
- “Ved Solens Gæstested” af Niels L. Underbjerg
- “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum
What did I think of the books
I had looked forward to reading Little House: The Rose Years again, and the first handful of books was exactly as I remembered them. Then as Rose started to become older and more independent, I disconnected with the books. It was still nice to read on and finish the series but, it just didn’t at all feel like the same series or protagonist, towards the last books.
Marilla of Green Gables was a nice prequel to Anne of Green Gables, if you don’t expect it to be officially part of that universe. Slade House started out great and promising and ended up more like a fun little ride in a haunted house for young teens. Not as scary as I had hoped.
Basically, the books this month was a right mix of good books with Maybe A Fox as the clear winner, and all the way down to Bachelor Girl from the Rose series. Bachelor Girl was not at all on level with the other Rose books and I was actually disappointed with it.
Have you done any fun readathons lately or have you read a good book that I should hear about? Maybe you’ve read one of the books on my list? Let me know how your reading went in April, in the comments below and let’s talk about books!
If you’d like more inspiration on what to read next, feel free to check out my entire collection of book reviews right here>>