• Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: A Lesson in Vengeance

    Book review of A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee This is my book review of A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee. It’s a Dark Academia vibe standalone book about Felicity and her schoolmates at Godwin House. Magic, witches, mysteries and romance in a thrilling mix. A Lesson in Vengeance “Felicity Morrow is back at Dalloway School, a centuries old, ivy-covered campus that was home until the tragic death of her girlfriend. […] Witchcraft is woven into Dalloway’s past. The school doesn’t talk about it, but the girls do. In secret rooms and shadowy corners, girls convene. […] It’s Ellis Haley’s first year at Dalloway. A prodigy novelist at…

  • Bog anmeldelse Dukketeatret i Danmark
    Books,  Performer,  Performing Arts,  Producer,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Boganmeldelse: Dukketeatret i Danmark

    Boganmeldelse af Dukketeatret i Danmark Dukketeatret i Danmark af Sven-Erik Olsen er en lille bog om dukketeatrets tradition i Danmark. Mere specifikt papirdukketeatret. Jeg købte denne bog i Den Gamle By i Aarhus, i den gamle boghandler. Jeg er uddannet indenfor scenekunst, så jeg kunne ikke stå for den. Dukketeatret i Danmark “Dukketeatret i Danmark har en lang tradition, idet en række af danske kulturpersonligheder på et tidspunkt i deres liv har beskæftiget sig med dukketeater. Der er mange, som stadig beskæftiger sig med denne hobby, og bogen fortæller lidt om det danske dukketeaters historie, samtidig med at der gives en række råd og anvisninger til selv at komme i…

  • Owls magical readathon 2020
    Books,  Uncategorized

    OWLs Magical Readathon 2020

    OWLs Magical Readathon 2020 In April, I participated in the OWLs Magical Readathon 2020 hosted by Book Roast. It’s a reading event that took place during the month of April 2020. The theme lines up with the wizarding world of Harry Potter and it’s about “taking your magical exams” also known as the “O.W.L.s”. This is done by reading a certain type of book for each subject that you would imagine attending. So, what did I actually manage to read for this event and how many “subjects” did I complete? I read a lot of books in April, although not all of them fit the criteria and thus didn’t count…

  • Books I read in April 2020
    Books,  Uncategorized

    What I read in April 2020

    What I read in April 2020 It’s time to find out what I read in April 2020. Let’s wrap up the month and see what books I read, liked, didn’t like and more. I’ll also dive into a few readathons I’ve participated in. Maybe we will even get around to see if I made any progress on my reading challenges in April 2020. First of all, I just want to stress the fact that I don’t see reading as a competition and I do have months where I don’t read anything, and other times where I read a lot of books. It all depends on my mood, my sparetime and…

  • Reading plans May 2020
    Books,  Uncategorized

    Reading plans for May 2020

    Reading plans for May Welcome to my reading plans for May 2020! So, as I have started to get more into readathons, reading challenges and events recently, I though I’d try something new on the blog. Which is a (maybe monthly?) blogpost with my reading plans for the upcoming month! If you want, you can join me and the rest of the book-community in these events, and read along with me/us. Or you can simply have a look at my reading plans and see which books I plan on reviewing for the blog for the next few weeks. TBR plans for May If you aren’t familiar with it, TBR stands…

  • notepad and pen on wooden table
    Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized,  Writer

    Ditch the formalities and write!

    Are you a writer or an aspiring author? Do you find it difficult to get started on your story? Maybe you want to make sure that everything looks right from the beginning? Ditch the formalities – and write! I’ve often encountered writers (mostly the unpublished ones), who care an awful lot about ‘doing it properly’. They are asking questions about writing software, formatting their text and other technicalities. Before they have even thought about a plot or a character. Before there is a story to write. Does that sound like you? Maybe this post can help you to just get started on the actual writing. Being correct or making excuses?…

  • Forfatter research din bog hvad er vigtigt?
    Forfatter,  Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized

    Research som forfatter – hvad er vigtigt?

    Research din bog – men hvad er vigtigt? Hvis du er forfatter eller godt kan lide at skrive, er du sikkert stødt på et problem i stil med ”hvad tjente en belgisk smed i 1746?”. Hvis du indimellem sidder og tænker ”er det her overhovedet relevant?” kan det her blogindlæg måske hjælpe dig. Jeg er som læser tit stødt på bøger der er rige på detaljer, fordi en forfatter har researchet deres emner. Nogle gange kan det dog også tage overhånd, og plottet forsvinder i detaljer og beskrivelser af autentisk fransk bestik fra 1890. Det er ikke alt læseren har brug for at vide. Men hvordan finder du ud af,…

  • How to thank your test readers madebyPernille
    Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized,  Writer

    How to thank your test-readers

    How to thank your test-readers? If you’re an author or a writer who isn’t published yet, you might be familiar with this situation. Are you unsure of how to properly thank your test-readers for their help? If that’s the case, I’ve got a few suggestions on what you can do. Professional or volunteer? Depending on whether or not the person giving you feedback is a professional, there are different ways to go about it. You can read my blogpost on different types of test-readers and feedback right here. In this blogpost however, I will only be talking about the volunteer help. Professional help and feedback will typically be charged an…