5 different books on love
5 different books on love
Here are 5 different books on love just in time for Valentines Day! Whether you like the day or not, I find that books are always a good idea.
I’ve collected some of my earlier book reviews for this list, to represent different views on love. (One of them is in Danish). They are different genres and the themes and writing styles are also quite different, so hopefully you’ll find at least one of them interesting. You can read the full reviews by following the links in the book titles.
I’ve tried to relate each of them to something with a similar theme or feel, so you’ll know what to look for.
The “Mr Darcy”
The first book on love is Louisa May Alcott’s; “Little Women”. It’s recently been made into a movie (for like the 80th time or something). It’s a classic spanning hundreds of pages. We follow the lives of four young sisters, as they grow into adulthood and there are romances, sisterly love, more romances and marriages.
I imagine it’s a good read if you’re into Mr Darcy, except this is a bit younger.
The “Twilight”
(This one is in Danish)
“Sjælevært” af Christina Bonde (anmeldereksemplar) er en klassisk kærligheds-trekant tilsat lidt overnaturlig spænding. En ung teenagepige skal finde sig selv, samtidig med at endnu større ting er på spil og hun møder en ny fyr. Han er bare ikke særlig… tilgængelig. Universet er spændende og der er masser af ung kærlighed at kaste sig over i Sjælevært.
Læs den, hvis du i forvejen synes om moderne teenage romancer med lidt overnaturlige twists.
The “Amélie”
Jean Paul Didier-Laurent is behind “The reader on the 6.27”. I consider it an absolute masterpiece and I really hope more people will read it. It made me feel all the things. It’s super playful and weird in a poetic way that really highlights the weird stuff about love. It’s about love of many things really. It feels quite French, and I was getting some Amélie vibes when reading it.
If you’re into meet-cutes, rom-coms and an imaginative fascination of every-day-life in a not so normal world, then I bet this is perfect for you.
The “Dystopian Notebook”
The movie version of Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never let me go” is classed as a dystopian romantic tragedy and I see why. It’s a great blend of a contemporary, quiet, slowburning romance novel, mixed with a dark reality. We get into the minds of a bunch of kids at a boarding school, we follow them through to adulthood and slowly learn alongside them, how their world works. And it is not what we would have hoped for. It’s super down to earth in a way, and tackles some big question about society by looking closely into the lives of these main characters.
Read it if you’re into slow-burn romances with hope even though the odds are against them.
The “Fox & Hound”
Do you know the Disney animation movie about the Fox and the Hound? The one where a puppy meets a fox and they become best friends? “Pax” feels like that, except it’s a gorgeous book about a boy and his pet fox. They are separated and we follow them both – the boy trying to get to his fox, and the fox, patiently waiting for his boy. The book also includes themes that are relatable to adults and can be understood on several levels. It’s about the love between a kid and their pet in the purest form.
Read it if you’re in the mood for a cute story and a reason to cry some sad/happy tears.
What’s your favorite love book?
I hope you enjoyed my list of 5 different books on love, even if you’re not a fan of Valentines Day. I’d love to hear what your favorite ‘love book’ is or if you’ve read any of the books mentioned here!
Let me know what you think in the comment section below – I’d love to hear from you!
If you’d like more inspiration on what to read next, feel free to check out my entire collection of book reviews right here>>