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    Book review: Min Historie af Michelle Obama

    Bog anmeldelse af Michelle Obamas biografi Michelle Obama biografi – Min Historie (eller Becoming Michelle). “Der er stadig meget, jeg ikke ved om USA, om livet, om hvad fremtiden vil bringe. Men jeg kender mig selv. Min far, Fraser, lærte mig at arbejde hårdt, le ofte og holde ord. Min mor, Marian, viste mig, hvordan jeg skulle tænke selvstændigt og bruge min stemme. I vores trange lejlighed i Chicagos South Side hjalp de mig med at se værdien af vores historie, af min historie, af vort lands større historie. Selv når det ikke er kønt eller perfekt. Selv når det er mere virkeligt, end man har lyst til, at det…

  • book review the trouble with perfect by helena duggan
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    Book review: The Trouble with Perfect

    Book review: The Trouble with Perfect Book review of The Trouble with Perfect by Helena Duggan. This is the second book in the middlegrade series about Violet and the town of Perfect. The first book about Violet and this mysterious town, is A Place called Perfect. The Trouble with Perfect “Boy’s not bad – is he? Strange things are happening in the town that used to be Perfect. Things are being stolen… then children start going missing too. And everyone is blaming Violet’s best friend, Boy. To find out what’s going on, Violet must uncover secrets from the past and battle a gruesome zombie monster. Town is in trouble –…

  • book review contemporary plays by african women
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    Book review: Contemporary Plays by African Women

    Book review of Contemporary Plays by African Women This is a book review of Contemporary Plays by African Women, an anthology by Methuen Drama. In 2020, I decided to start my 52 plays reading challenge. In 2021, I am trying it again. Each week for a year I have to read a script for a play. It can be any kind of play, but the goal is to read at least one a week. Contemporary Plays by African Women “This volume uniquely draws together seven contemporary plays by a selection of the finest African women writers and practitioners from across the continent, offering a rich and diverse portrait of identity,…

  • Book review Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
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    Book review: Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

    Book review of Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf is considered a classic by many. It’s also one of the books on the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge list. Finishing that is one of my long term reading goals. Mrs Dalloway and her flowers All it says on the back of my edition of the book is “Still, life had a way of adding day to day.” Which is actually super fitting for the book. I remember watching the movie based on the book, “The Hours” with Meryl Streep. It begins by Mrs Dalloway saying “I’ll do the flowers myself”. Just as the book. But from there,…

  • book review Nostalgi Mikkel Guldager
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    Book review: Nostalgi af Mikkel Guldager

    Nostalgi af Mikkel Guldager Nostalgi af Mikkel Guldager er en fortælling om hjemløshed, venskab og systemet, på godt og ondt. Jeg har modtaget et anmeldereksemplar af forfatteren og forlaget Brændpunkt. Nostalgi af Mikkel Guldager “Nostalgi skildrer tilværelsen for et menneske, som er blevet svigtet af både livet og systemet. Den beskriver, hvordan det at være hjemløs i Danmark også kan betyde et liv uden for konventionerne og uden et reelt redningsnet. Efter at have mistet sin lejlighed drømmer Leon om en campingvogn. Så han kan skabe sig et stille liv udenfor byen og langt væk fra Slænget på Amager. Slænget, som Leon i flere år har været leder af, er…

  • book review the culture map by Erin Meyer
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    Book review: The Culture Map

    Book review of The Culture Map This is a book review of “The Culture Map – Decoding how people think, lead, and get things done across cultures” by Erin Meyer. This is one of those books I picked up in the personal development section at an airport. Because naturally I had run out of reading material already. If you want to have a look at what I am currently reading, feel free to find me on Goodreads. Summary “Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences. Renowned expert Erin Meyer is…

  • book review men without women by haruki murakami
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    Book review: Men without Women by Haruki Murakami

    Men without women by Haruki Murakami The collection of short stories titled “Men without women” by Haruki Murakami, consist of 7 short tellings of love, loneliness and losing. Centered around men and their perceptions of women. Summary “Across seven tales, Haruki Murakami brings his powers of observation to bear on the lives of men who, in their own ways, find themselves alone. Here are lovesick doctors, students, ex-boyfriends, actors, bartenders, and even Kafka’s Gregor Samsa, brought together to tell stories that speak to us all” This summary is borrowed from www.harukimurakami.com Reading Murakami So, if you’ve followed my blog for a while, you might know already that I am a…

  • Cover Book review Book review Josie and the Pussycats volume one graphic novel
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    Book review: Josie and the Pussycats – volume 1

    Book review of Josie and the Pussycats comic volume 1 This is a book review of the graphic novel/comic “Josie and the Pussycats – volume one” by creators Marguerite Bennett, Cameron Deordio & Audrey Mok. This  comic is as fresh as the Archie comic I reviewed earlier on the blog. Summary of the comic “Grab your cat tails and kitty ears – Josie and the pussycats are back! In this hard-rockin’, hard-to-put-down graphic novel, Josie gets the band together to help her climb to the top of the music world. But rock ‘n’ roll fame isn’t a formula – it takes hard work and killer tunes. Can the girls get…