• Cover Book review This is how you lose the time war
    Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: This is how you lose the Time War

    Book review of This is how you lose the Time War This is my book review of the sci-fi novel This is how you lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone. I ordered this book online after seeing it mentioned in a booktube video. (However, I cannot remember which video). This is how you lose the Time War “Among the ashes of a dying world, an agent of the Commandant finds a letter. It reads: Burn before reading. Red and Blue, two rival agents hellbent on securing the best possible future for their warring factions, strike up an unlikely correspondence. But what started as a taunt, a battlefield…

  • 5 different books on love (1)
    Books,  Uncategorized

    5 different books on love

    5 different books on love Here are 5 different books on love just in time for Valentines Day! Whether you like the day or not, I find that books are always a good idea. I’ve collected some of my earlier book reviews for this list, to represent different views on love. (One of them is in Danish). They are different genres and the themes and writing styles are also quite different, so hopefully you’ll find at least one of them interesting. You can read the full reviews by following the links in the book titles. I’ve tried to relate each of them to something with a similar theme or feel,…

  • Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: Inkarnation by Pernille L. Stenby

    *This book review of Inkarnation will be in Danish since the book is only published in Danish* Jeg modtog et anmeldereksemplar af forfatteren mod en ærlig anmeldelse af værket. Boganmeldelse af Inkarnation af Pernille L. Stenby (Hvis jeg skal bedømme kvantitativt, lander vi på en 4/6 stjerner) Jeg havde set frem til at læse Inkarnation, da jeg havde hørt godt om den fra et par andre bog bloggere. Derudover er det alt for sjældent jeg læser på dansk, så hvorfor ikke. Pernille L. Stenby var så sød at give mig et anmeldereksemplar på Fantasy Festivalen i Esbjerg, så jeg kunne gå i gang med det samme. Du kan læse mere…