January Writing Prompt Challenge 2020
January Writing Prompt Challenge 2020 is here!
January Writing Prompt Challenge time! The New Year is just around the corner. Have you thought about getting more serious with your writing? Maybe you promised yourself that you would write a little something every day in 2020? Well, I’m here to kickstart that goal for you!
Some of my first monthly writing prompt challenges like this summer challenge and the halloween themed challenge for october were so popular that I knew I had to keep creating. I even found people creating amazing stories on Tumblr, based on my prompts! So get ready for your New Year’s resolution of writing every day, with this 31 day writing prompt challenge for January 2020!
I actually also have this super cute e-book with 365+ creative writing prompts, if you’re looking for more! Find it in my shop.
If you are excited about this challenge but haven’t used writing prompts before, you can read more about how to work with writing prompts here>> (For the Danish version please see here>>)
I can’t wait to read your stories, so please feel free to share what you create!
Which of these prompts is your absolute favorite? Let me know in the comments below.
If you are looking for even more writing prompts and challenges, why not check out my writing collection right here>>. If that just isn’t enough, you can also have a look a my Pinterest board with writing prompts!

I’m trying to write more, so thank you for a springboard to help me. Here’s my response to the quest of a snowfox. It took some research on my part as I had no idea what a snowfox even looked like much less what it would be searching for. https://kjrandomnotes.blog/2020/01/18/the-quest-of-a-snowfox/
Thank you for taking the time to comment and for using my prompts! I’m so happy that they are helpful even if they seem a bit tricky at first 😉 Have you found my other writing prompts and excersises too?
Thank you for sharing the little story of the snowfox, it actually made me giggle a little bit. I’ll have to read more of your stories!