Book reviews of performing arts books

Performing Arts Books

Hi and welcome to the bookshelf for performing arts books!

I love reading and that includes nonfictional works too. Since I read and review performing arts books once in a while, I thought a separate list of those might be in order! If you want to browse through my complete collection of book reviews, you’ll find it here>>

My interests within the performing arts field are very varied. As I am a burlesque producer, I naturally read some works on both producing, burlesque and stage management. Because I hold an MA in dramaturgy, I also often read plays and books on dramaturgy or the more academic level stuff. You’ll also find books on improvisation, theatre games, acting and opera on my shelves, as I am really not too picky when it comes to the genre.

Books marked with a (52) are a part of my “A play a week reading challenge“.

Have fun looking through my book reviews on performing arts, sorted by author name! It’s an ever growing list, so make sure to come back once in a while to catch up 🙂

Please be aware that these book reviews are a mix of Danish and English reviews. I read in both languages and some books are only available in either Danish or English 🙂


Adamov, Arthur; “Professor Taranne” (Play/Script, 52)

Allen, Ralph; “The Best Burlesque Sketches” (Burlesque)

Artaud, Antonin; “The Theatre and its Double” (Theatre manifesto)


Brook, Peter; “The Open Door” (Theatre/Acting)


Ensler, Eve; “The Vagina Monologues” (Play, 52 Plays)


Frontløberne; “Den Lille Projekthåndbog – til unge kulturskabere” (DK)


Hutchison, Yvette & Jephta, Amy; “Contemporary Plays by African Women” (Play anthology, 52 Plays)


Ionesco, Eugene; “The Chairs” (Play/Script, 52)

Ionesco, Eugene; “The Lesson” (Play/Script, 52)


Krebs, Kitter; “Dramaturgi” (Dramaturgy, Anmeldereksemplar, DK)

Krebs, Kitter; “Komedier og Dødssynder” (Shakespeare, Anmeldereksemplar, DK)

Krebs, Kitter; “Lille Håndbog for Dramatiklærere” (Anmeldereksemplar, DK)


Olsen, Sven-Erik; “Dukketeatret i Danmark” (DK, Performing Arts)


Sapphira, (Priscilla Silcock née Tonkin); “Burlesque or Bust” (Autobiography/Burlesque, Review Copy)

Shakespeare, William; “The Comedy of Errors” (Play/Script)

Storm Wesche, Anne-Sophie; “Kirsten Walther – 2 roller ét liv” (DK, Autobiography)


Tardieu, Jean; “Conversation-Sinfonietta” (Play/Script, 52)

Tardieu, Jean; “The Keyhole” (Play/Script, 52

Thorne, Jack & Tiffany, John (+ J.K.Rowling); “Harry Potter & the cursed child” (Play/Script)


Warren, Jason; “Creating Worlds – how to make immersive theatre” (Performing Arts)


Tell me what you think! :D