De 7 originale plot – Part 1
De 7 originale plot – Part 1, forklarer nogle af de såkaldte oprindelige historiers struktur. Måske er du igang med at skrive en bog eller du kan godt lide at læse bestemte typer historier men kan ikke sætte en finger på hvorfor? Måske er det historiens struktur - læs mere her!
Bookreview: The Chimes
“The Chimes” by Anna Smaill, is a futuristic sci-fi/fantasy novel, about Simon, a boy living in a world where memories are just a concept, music rules the world and everyone should stick to what they know. The cover art is beautiful and the preview on the back really sold me the book. Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi Summary: Simon is on a journey to London, and all he has with him, is a bag full of memories and a tune to help him find what he is searching for. He ends up joining a pact in the London underground, living with Lucien and the others and together, they form the group of the…
Writing prompts – How to use them
Here is a short and handy guide on how to use writing prompts, depending on what you need! Writing a book or novel and your imagination failing you? Look no further!
Hvad vil din karakter?
Sidder du nogle gange fast og kan ikke komme videre med din bog? Mangler dine karakterer en god grund til at være med? Så få en fantastisk nem skriveøvelse her!
Writing prompts – sådan bruger du dem!
Writing prompts - sådan bruger du dem! Hvis du er forfatter/forfatterspire og gerne vil øve dig i at skrive hver dag men mangler inspiration, så prøv writing prompts! Jeg forklarer lidt om dem her.