Book review: Contemporary Plays by African Women
Book review of Contemporary Plays by African Women This is a book review of Contemporary Plays by African Women, an anthology by Methuen Drama. In 2020, I decided to start my 52 plays reading challenge. In 2021, I am trying it again. Each week for a year I have to read a script for a play. It can be any kind of play, but the goal is to read at least one a week. Contemporary Plays by African Women “This volume uniquely draws together seven contemporary plays by a selection of the finest African women writers and practitioners from across the continent, offering a rich and diverse portrait of identity,…
Book review: The Theater and its double
Book review of The Theater and its double “The Theatre and its double” by Antonin Artaud is a collection of letters and manifests, in the book I’ve got. It relates the theatre in its broadest sense, to all sorts of phenomenons and events. All wrapped up in Artauds personal attitude towards what constitutes theatre. The theater and its double by Antonin Artaud “The Theater and Its Double is far and away the most important thing that has been written about the theater in the twentieth century…. It should be read again and again …. Artaud oozed magical desires. He was the metaphysician of the theater. – Jean-Louis Barrault. A collection…
Book review: Conversation-Sinfonietta
Book review of Conversation-Sinfonietta by Jean Tardieu This book review of Conversation-Sinfonietta by Jean Tardieu, is part of my “A play a week” reading challenge. I aim to read 52 plays in a year, and I’ll review every single one right here on the blog! A symphony of conversation It’s a script meant for staging a basic conversation as if it was a choir singing together. This means a few repeated lines between the characters, who are named by their tone of voice. The script for Conversation-Sinfonietta suggested placing the actors in accordance with how you would place singers in a choir set-up. (The image below does not correspond with…
Book review: The Keyhole
Book review of The Keyhole by Jean Tardieu This book review of The Keyhole by Jean Tardieu, is a part of my “A play a week” reading challenge. Basically, it means that I try to read a play each week for a year, ending up with 52 scripts in total. So really, The Keyhole is more a script than an actual book. The Keyhole and absurd voyerism This script definitely had a lot going on in the subtext. Not in the naturalistic way obviously, but I saw this script play out in my mind in so many different ways while reading it. It was like the opposite feeling of reading…
Book review: Professor Taranne
Book review of Professor Taranne This is a book review of “Professor Taranne” by Arthur Adamov. It is really a script from 1953 and I read it as part of my ‘A play a week reading challenge‘. It’s a challenge where I aim to read one play each week for a year, ending up with 52 plays on the list. Professor Taranne Professor Taranne basically spends the whole play trying to establish his identity and does not succeed. It was like it was meant to be confusing for the sake of confusion. I get that the structure is the same as when you dream, which adds to the absurdity, but…
Book review: Komedier og dødssynder
*This book review of Komedier og Dødssynder will be in Danish since the book is only published in Danish* Jeg modtog et anmeldereksemplar fra forlaget Ravnerock mod en ærlig anmeldelse af værket. Boganmeldelse af Komedier og Dødssynder Handling Komedier og Dødssynder er en fagbog, hvori instruktør Kitter Krebs, undersøger de syv dødssynder parret med 7 af Shakespeares komedier. ”Kitter Krebs trækker i sin lille bog interessante paralleller mellem nogle af Shakespeares kendte og mindre kendte komedier og de gamle forestillinger om ”de syv dødssynder”. Selvbedrag og diverse dårskab har altid lokket mennesker på gale veje […] læseren kan selv trække parallellerne videre fra Shakespeare til vores egen tid.” – Lånt…
Book review: Dramaturgi af Kitter Krebs
Dramaturgi af Kitter Krebs (DK) er en bog for begyndere i teatret, der ønsker at vide mere om faget og begrebet "dramaturgi". Her finder du min anmeldelse af bogen, samt lidt ord om hvad du kan forvente af den. *Jeg modtog et gratis eksemplar af bogen mod en ærlig anmeldelse*