• Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: Guldklumpen – Havnehistorier

    *This book review will be in Danish since the book is only published in Danish* Boganmeldelse af ”Guldklumpen – Havnehistorier” ”Guldklumpen – Havnehistorier” er en samling små historier af Erik Trigger Olesen, udgivet hos forlaget Brøndum. Jeg har læst den fysiske udgave men du kan også få oplevelsen som lydbog, indtalt af forfatteren selv. *Disclaimer: Jeg vil lige for en god ordens skyld tilføje at forfatteren og jeg er i familie, men det har ingen umiddelbar indflydelse på følgende anmeldelse. Beskrivelse af ”Guldklumpen – Havnehistorier” ”Det er en samling af rå og saftige historier om livet blandt Esbjerg Havns arbejdere og særlinge. De ni fortællinger giver uden hensyn til politisk…

  • Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: Little Women

    Book review of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Here’s my book review of “Little Women”. I read this book as part of the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge and you can follow my progress right here. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869, on request from Alcotts publisher. According to a few quick searches online, Alcott based the girls and their lives on her siblings and herself. Other fragments of research tell me, that she wasn’t exactly enjoying the stories too much herself, but wrote it for her publisher because they needed something for young girls. (Google it if you want…

  • Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized,  Writer

    How to find test readers

    Feedback from test readers! But where do you find test readers and how do you find them? If you don’t already have a small squad of test readers for your latest scribbles, it might seem like a daunting task to find some. I’ve collected a few suggestions on how to find test readers right here. (A test reader comes in different shapes – which kind of feedback are you looking for? It might be worth considering that, before you read on. Have a look at my blogpost on different kinds of feedback and test readers here>>) Writing groups There are writing groups both online and in ‘the real world’, where…

  • Forfatter - sådan finder du betalæsere
    Forfatter,  Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized

    Sådan finder du betalæsere

    Sådan finder du betalæsere Hvor finder du betalæsere? Hvis du ikke allerede har en lille gruppe af faste test-læsere til dine seneste skriverier, kan det virke uoverskueligt og svært at finde betalæsere. Jeg har her et par forslag til, hvordan du kan gribe det an. (Hvilken type betalæser/feedback søger du? Det er måske værd at overveje, inden du læser videre. Se mit indlæg om forskellige typer betalæsere her>>). Skrivegrupper Der findes skrivekurser både online og i ’den virkelige verden’, hvor du har mulighed for at møde andre forfattere og forfatterspirer. For mange kurser gælder det at man bliver en del af en gruppe fx på højskolekurser eller biblioteker osv. Her…

  • Book review The Dream Thives by Maggie Stiefvater
    Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: The Dream Thieves

    Book review of The Dream Thieves The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater is the second book in the Raven Cycle, following The Raven Boys. It’s a fantasy series about teenagers, spirit paths, magic and mysteries. Summary In this book, we focus more on some of the Aglionby boys. The boys Blue had promised herself she wouldn’t hang out with. One of them have a secret that is both thrilling and dangerous. “Ronan is the most dangerous of all. He’s the haunted one, the darkest, the most raven. His dreams invade reality and confuse what is true. With magic growing stronger around them, now is a time to be wary. Before…

  • Bookreview The Raven Boys Maggie Stiefvater
    Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Bookreview: The Raven Boys

    Bookreview of The Raven Boys “The Raven Boys” by Maggie Stiefvater is the first book in a magical series about ancient welsh kings, spirit paths, psychics and teenagers from different layers in society. Summary: Blue is stuck in small town Henrietta with the house full of female psychic family members. She tries her best to stand out in school, as she is the only non-psychic in the house. She only has two rules; stay away from boys and especially stay away from Aglionby boys. The latter being the private school for extremely rich boys with big cars and big egos. A prophecy have always said that Blue will kill her…

  • Bookreview The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman
    Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Bookreview: The Lost Plot

    Bookreview of The Lost Plot This is my bookreview of The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman. It is the fourth book in The Invisible Library series about the interdimensional Librarian spy, Irene Winters. Summary “The Lost Plot is an action-packed literary adventure. In a 1930s-esque Chicago, Prohibition is in force, fedoras, flapper dresses and tommy guns are in fashion, and intrigue is afoot. Intrepid Librarians Irene and Kai find themselves caught in the middle of a dragon vs dragon contest. […] this could even trigger war. Irene and Kai find themselves trapped in a race against time (and dragons) to procure a rare book. They’ll face gangsters, blackmail and fiendish…