
  • Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: Bevægelse af Susse Wold

    Anmeldelse af Bevægelse af Susse Wold This review will be in Danish, since the book is only published in Danish. Dette er min anmeldelse af Susse Wolds seneste bog ’Bevægelse’. Jeg købte bogen i forbindelse med en signering i en boghandel i Aarhus. (Billedet er lånt fra Susse Wolds private Facebook profil). Jeg har for nogle år siden læst hendes første samling af erindringer, ’Fremkaldt’. Min mor havde lånt den på biblioteket til en ferie og jeg var løbet tør for læsestof allerede da vi ramte den første tyske rasteplads. Da jeg opdagede at Susse Wold havde endnu en bog på vej og hun tilmed ville signere den i Aarhus, hvor jeg…

  • Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized,  Writer

    How to find test readers

    Feedback from test readers! But where do you find test readers and how do you find them? If you don’t already have a small squad of test readers for your latest scribbles, it might seem like a daunting task to find some. I’ve collected a few suggestions on how to find test readers right here. (A test reader comes in different shapes – which kind of feedback are you looking for? It might be worth considering that, before you read on. Have a look at my blogpost on different kinds of feedback and test readers here>>) Writing groups There are writing groups both online and in ‘the real world’, where…

  • Book review of The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare
    Books,  Performer,  Performing Arts,  Producer,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: The Comedy of Errors

    The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare The Comedy of Errors is a Shakespearean classic and here are my thoughts of it. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a book review as it is a play of a certain age. But as a part of the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge, and me being a thespian, I just had to read it! Summary In short, The Comedy of Errors is a typical twin-comedy-drama and very Shakespeare. Two sets of twins are separated by a heinous storm. Two of them end up in one place, the other two somewhere else and herein lies the premise of our plot. The pairs of twins then…

  • Book review plato and a platypus by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein
    Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: Plato and a platypus walk into a bar

    Here is my review of “Plato and a platypus walk into a bar…” by Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein. As the surtitle on the book-cover states, it’s a book about “understanding philosophy through jokes”. Summary Cathcart and Klein takes us through all sorts of different branches of philosophy. They do it through jokes and fun facts, just like promised. That’s really all there is to summarize! Verdict I picked this one up at an airport (I don’t recall which one) because it said “Plato and a platypus […]”. I thought it looked fun at the time and it can never hurt brushing up on the old philosophers, right? As I’ve…

  • Forfatter - sådan finder du betalæsere
    Forfatter,  Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized

    Sådan finder du betalæsere

    Sådan finder du betalæsere Hvor finder du betalæsere? Hvis du ikke allerede har en lille gruppe af faste test-læsere til dine seneste skriverier, kan det virke uoverskueligt og svært at finde betalæsere. Jeg har her et par forslag til, hvordan du kan gribe det an. (Hvilken type betalæser/feedback søger du? Det er måske værd at overveje, inden du læser videre. Se mit indlæg om forskellige typer betalæsere her>>). Skrivegrupper Der findes skrivekurser både online og i ’den virkelige verden’, hvor du har mulighed for at møde andre forfattere og forfatterspirer. For mange kurser gælder det at man bliver en del af en gruppe fx på højskolekurser eller biblioteker osv. Her…

  • December Christmas themed writing challenge made by pernille
    Forfatter,  Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized,  Writer

    December writing challenge 2018

    December writing challenge time! The Christmas themed December writing prompt challenge #2018 has arrived! If you are anything like me, you have been waiting for the holiday season to begin, since your birthday was over. Because christmas is just around the corner now, it’s time for a treat in the form of a writing challenge. Since my previous monthly writing challenges like my first summer challenge and the halloween themed challenge were so popular, it seemed natural to create one for december! So get ready to sharpen your pencils! Prepare for christmas (and new years eve) with this 31 day writing prompt challenge! I actually also have this super cute e-book…

  • Book review of The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
    Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: The Raven King

    Book Review of The Raven King “The Raven King” is the fourth and final book in The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. Following The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves and Blue Lily, Lily Blue. A series about magic, psychics, spirit paths, dangers and mysteries of the past. Summary “For years, Gansey has been on a quest to find a lost king. One by one, he’s drawn others into his mission: Ronan, who steals from dreams; Adam, whose life is no longer his own; Noah, whose life is no longer a life; and Blue, who loves Gansey… and is certain she is destined to kill him. Nothing dead is to be trusted. Now the…

  • Writing challenges and how to use them
    Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized,  Writer

    Writing challenges – what to do?

    Writing challenges There are a ton of writing challenges in the world. It can be hard to figure out which writing challenges to start or what to even do with them. Here I’ve collected a few of them, to introduce you to some of the different formats. Are you familiar with these writing challenges? NaNoWriMo National Novel Writing Month is a global phenomenon within the world of creative writing. In short, everyone can really set their own goals but the standard goal is to write 50,000 words in one month. Most people use the challenge to work on their current novel or idea. Others aim for starting and finishing a…