• Books,  Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized

    Esbjerg Fantasy Festival 2018

    Esbjerg Fantasy Festival 2018 er den fjerde festival af slagsen. Festivalen er arrangeret af Esbjerg kommunes biblioteker og foregik i år i og omkring hovedbiblioteket i Esbjerg. Fantasy festivalen inkluderer alt lige fra bøger og illustrationer til rollespil og merchandise. Jeg var inviteret til at deltage på festivalen den 16. september og her er et lille udpluk af mine oplevelser. Læs mere om festivalen her>> Pernille på Esbjerg Fantasy Festival 2018 (Jeg fik et gratis armbånd til festivalen, for at skrive et blogindlæg om min oplevelse) Bøger & forfattere Det er ingen hemmelighed at jeg er super fan af sci-fi og fantasy. Så jeg startede min søndag på festivalen med…

  • Feedback and testreaders
    Forfatter//Writer,  Uncategorized,  Writer

    Feedback & Test readers – Who’s who? (Part 2)

    Who should you ask for feedback on your text? As a writer, you have plenty of opportunities to get feedback on your books and texts, both the already published and especially the material you haven’t finished or that you’re still working on. It can be a little difficult to grasp, who can help with what and that’s why I’ve gathered a little guide for you here, where you can see some of the different types of test readers and what they will often be able to do for you, before you send your manuscript to a publisher or press “publish”. As I see it, there are two categories of readers,…

  • Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Bookreview: The Smoking Hourglass

    Here is my book review of “The Smoking Hourglass” by Jennifer Bell. “The Smoking Hourglass” is the second book in ‘The Uncommoners’ series, following “The Crooked Sixpence”. Read my review of the first book here>> “As soon as Ivy and her brother Seb set foot back in the mysterious underground city of Lundinor, they know that something has changed […] something dark is stirring just below the surface, and uncommon traders are uneasy. Ivy and Seb have stumbled into a plot that could condemn every uncommoner to a disastrous fate […] can Ivy and Seb put a stop to the sinister Dirge’s plans?” (Blurp borrowed from Penguin books) Review of…

  • Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Bookreview: “The Uncommoners – The Crooked Sixpence”

    “The Crooked Sixpence” is the first of three books in the series about The Uncommoners by Jennifer Bell. The story is aimed at tweens and brings us to the world of common things with uncommon abilities. Here is my bookreview of “The Crooked Sixpence” Summary: We follow Ivy Sparrow and her older brother Seb when they discover a secret world right under their noses. When their grandmother Sylvie is admitted to the hospital, they siblings are thrown into dangerous events. Suddenly they find themselves caught up in a big mystery and they set out to explore. A family secret, weird policemen with toiletbrush weapons and a huge underground market called…