Book review: The Little Prince
Book review of The Little Prince
This is a book review of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in the English translation. I bought the book in the Wordsworth Edition as I thought it was super cute. I’ve heard about it often and thought I’d give it a read.
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The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“With a timeless charm it tells the story of a little boy who leaves the safety of his own tiny planet to travel the universe, learning the vagaries of adult behaviour through a series of extraordinary encounters. His personal odyssey culminates in a voyage to Earth and further adventures.”
The above text is borrowed from the Goodreads description of the book.
A big classic in a little book
This is a short book and a fairly quick read. The Little Prince is considered a classic and is loved by many. I think the Wordsworth edition is super pretty and perhaps gives it a more timeless feel, than other covers I’ve seen. I admit to having high expectations before I started reading it and I never read it as a young child. Which I assume is the more proper target age for this book.
However, it was cute and fun in a sort of flimsy way, but didn’t make me laugh. It’s a nice book, with a nice story and a good morale to it. But honestly? I actually didn’t love it. I’m not even sure that I’m going to read it again. Maybe in French, when I finally get around to learn it.
So for me it felt more like a cosy goodnight story, than a masterpiece. I haven’t got much else to say about it, other than that I enjoyed it when I read it. But I’ve read other books that were far more poetic and touching, in my eyes.
Have you read The Little Prince? Are there any classics like it that you can recommend? Feel free to leave a comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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