Forfatter: Drop formaliteterne og skriv!
Drop formaliteterne og skriv Er du forfatter eller forfatterspire og synes du det er svært at komme i gang med selve historien? Måske går du meget op i at skrive det ’rigtigt’ fra starten? Drop formaliteterne – og skriv! Jeg har ofte oplevet forfattere (flest forfatterspirer), der går meget op i om de gør det helt rigtigt. De stiller spørgsmål omkring skriveprogrammer, formatering og linjeafstande. Før de overhovedet har fået formuleret en karakter eller et plot. Før der er en historie at skrive ned. Lyder det som dig? Så er dette indlæg måske det lille spark du har brug for, for at komme i gang. Korrekthed eller undskyldninger? Har du…
Book review: The Open Door by Peter Brook
Review of “The Open Door” by Peter Brook “The Open Door” by Peter Brook is a nonfictional performing arts book about some of the theatre practices Brook and his production teams have encountered, as well as Brooks own thoughts on these. I read “The Open Door” in Danish, so if anything got lost in the translation, I’d be happy to hear from others who’ve read it in English. I will however, review it in English, since I know it’s available in both languages (and others too I assume). Get a copy of The Open Door right here on Book Depository or Amazon [affiliate links] “The Open Door” and Peter Brook…
Book review: Little Women
Book review of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Here’s my book review of “Little Women”. I read this book as part of the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge and you can follow my progress right here. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869, on request from Alcotts publisher. According to a few quick searches online, Alcott based the girls and their lives on her siblings and herself. Other fragments of research tell me, that she wasn’t exactly enjoying the stories too much herself, but wrote it for her publisher because they needed something for young girls. (Google it if you want…
Book review: And Still I Rise
Book review of And Still I Rise Here is my book review of “And Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou which is a collection of poems. “And Still I Rise” is Angelou’s third volume of poetry and she’s also the author behind “I know why the caged bird sings”. Summary And Still I Rise is a collection of poems, divided in three parts. Some of Angelou’s most famous and wellknown poems like Phenomenal Women and Still I Rise are included herein. The poems reflect Angelou’s life and touches subjects such as love, womanhood, racism, blackness and in general just being human. For a full reference on the poems included, have…
Research your novel – what matters?
Research your novel – what matters? Research your novel – but what do you ultimately need to know? If you’re an author or you like to write, this is probably an issue you’ve encountered. Questions like “What would a mercenary be paid for a silver tray in 1884?” pop up during your writing and you turn to research. But then the thought hits you. Is it even really relevant for your story? If that sounds familiar, maybe this blogpost can be of some help! As a reader, I often encounter books rich in detail because authors have researched their themes, worlds etc. Sometimes though, the story can end up drowning…
Research som forfatter – hvad er vigtigt?
Research din bog – men hvad er vigtigt? Hvis du er forfatter eller godt kan lide at skrive, er du sikkert stødt på et problem i stil med ”hvad tjente en belgisk smed i 1746?”. Hvis du indimellem sidder og tænker ”er det her overhovedet relevant?” kan det her blogindlæg måske hjælpe dig. Jeg er som læser tit stødt på bøger der er rige på detaljer, fordi en forfatter har researchet deres emner. Nogle gange kan det dog også tage overhånd, og plottet forsvinder i detaljer og beskrivelser af autentisk fransk bestik fra 1890. Det er ikke alt læseren har brug for at vide. Men hvordan finder du ud af,…
5 things to remember as a new writer
5 things to remember as a new writer As a new writer with very few or no published works to your name yet, writing can seem a daunting task. If you’re relatively new in writing or you are considering it, here’s a few advice for you. None of this is rocket science, but sometimes you need a reminder on what matters. Hopefully you’ll keep being motivated to write and even get better at it as you go along! I hope this list of 5 things to remember as a new writer, will help calm your nerves a bit. Especially when you’re sitting by the computer, wondering why no one has…
Book review: Fanny Fairychild og det magiske spejl
Anmeldelse af Fanny Fairychild og det magiske spejl This review will be in Danish since the book is currently only published in Danish. *Jeg modtog et anmeldereksemplar fra forfatteren og Forlaget Lindbo mod en ærlig anmeldelse af bogen* Fanny Fairychild og det magiske spejl er den første bog i en planlagt serie om pigen Fanny, skrevet af forfatteren Lykke Lindbo. Handling ”Da Fanny er fire år gammel, forsvinder hendes mor. Seks år senere finder Fanny sin mors gamle dagbog og et magisk spejl i en kiste på loftet. Herfra starter et langt eventyr. Med hjælp fra dagbogen og en flok legesyge guldsmede, finder Fanny vej til den gamle kone Alfhild…