
  • Book review plato and a platypus by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein
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    Book review: Plato and a platypus walk into a bar

    Here is my review of “Plato and a platypus walk into a bar…” by Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein. As the surtitle on the book-cover states, it’s a book about “understanding philosophy through jokes”. Summary Cathcart and Klein takes us through all sorts of different branches of philosophy. They do it through jokes and fun facts, just like promised. That’s really all there is to summarize! Verdict I picked this one up at an airport (I don’t recall which one) because it said “Plato and a platypus […]”. I thought it looked fun at the time and it can never hurt brushing up on the old philosophers, right? As I’ve…

  • Book review of The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
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    Book review: The Raven King

    Book Review of The Raven King “The Raven King” is the fourth and final book in The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. Following The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves and Blue Lily, Lily Blue. A series about magic, psychics, spirit paths, dangers and mysteries of the past. Summary “For years, Gansey has been on a quest to find a lost king. One by one, he’s drawn others into his mission: Ronan, who steals from dreams; Adam, whose life is no longer his own; Noah, whose life is no longer a life; and Blue, who loves Gansey… and is certain she is destined to kill him. Nothing dead is to be trusted. Now the…

  • Book review Blue Lily Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
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    Book review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue

    Book review of “Blue Lily, Lily Blue” “Blue Lily, Lily Blue” is the third book in The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. It is succeeded by The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves. A series about magic, psychics, spirit paths, dangers and mysteries of the past. Summary Blue and the boys are exploring the magical forest and a cave they’ve found, in the search of the grave with the welsh king. Blue’s mother disappears, a hitman’s former boss and his wife are also interested in the ley line (spirit path) and intrigue and dangers are plentiful in “Blue Lily, Lily Blue”. Verdict (To be fair, while I am writing this review,…

  • Book review The Dream Thives by Maggie Stiefvater
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    Book review: The Dream Thieves

    Book review of The Dream Thieves The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater is the second book in the Raven Cycle, following The Raven Boys. It’s a fantasy series about teenagers, spirit paths, magic and mysteries. Summary In this book, we focus more on some of the Aglionby boys. The boys Blue had promised herself she wouldn’t hang out with. One of them have a secret that is both thrilling and dangerous. “Ronan is the most dangerous of all. He’s the haunted one, the darkest, the most raven. His dreams invade reality and confuse what is true. With magic growing stronger around them, now is a time to be wary. Before…

  • Bookreview The Raven Boys Maggie Stiefvater
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    Bookreview: The Raven Boys

    Bookreview of The Raven Boys “The Raven Boys” by Maggie Stiefvater is the first book in a magical series about ancient welsh kings, spirit paths, psychics and teenagers from different layers in society. Summary: Blue is stuck in small town Henrietta with the house full of female psychic family members. She tries her best to stand out in school, as she is the only non-psychic in the house. She only has two rules; stay away from boys and especially stay away from Aglionby boys. The latter being the private school for extremely rich boys with big cars and big egos. A prophecy have always said that Blue will kill her…

  • Bookreview The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman
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    Bookreview: The Lost Plot

    Bookreview of The Lost Plot This is my bookreview of The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman. It is the fourth book in The Invisible Library series about the interdimensional Librarian spy, Irene Winters. Summary “The Lost Plot is an action-packed literary adventure. In a 1930s-esque Chicago, Prohibition is in force, fedoras, flapper dresses and tommy guns are in fashion, and intrigue is afoot. Intrepid Librarians Irene and Kai find themselves caught in the middle of a dragon vs dragon contest. […] this could even trigger war. Irene and Kai find themselves trapped in a race against time (and dragons) to procure a rare book. They’ll face gangsters, blackmail and fiendish…

  • Bookreview The Burning Page by Genevieve Cogman
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    Bookreview: The Burning Page

    Bookreview ‘The Burning Page’ Here is my bookreview of The Burning Page. It’s the third instalment in The Invisible Library Series by author Genevieve Cogman. The main character is a hardworking interdimensional librarian secret agent and she is always on a mission.  Summary “Librarian spy Irene has professional standards to maintain. Standards that absolutely do not include making hasty, unplanned escapes through a burning besieged building. […] Gates back to the Library are malfunctioning across a multitude of worlds, creating general havoc. She [Irene] and Kai are tasked with a mission to St Petersburg’s Winter Palace, to retrieve a book which will help restore order. […] A nightmare figure bent…

  • Books,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Bookreview: The Masked City

    This is my bookreview of “The Masked City” by Genevieve Cogman. This is the second in a book-series about the interdimensional book-stealing librarian, Irene Winters.  Summary Borrowed from the authors webpage: “Librarian-spy Irene is working undercover in an alternative London when her assistant Kai goes missing. She discovers he’s been kidnapped by the fae faction and the repercussions could be fatal. Not just for Kai, but for whole worlds. […] Irene’s mission to save Kai and avert Armageddon will take her to a dark, alternate Venice where it’s always Carnival. Here Irene will be forced to blackmail, fast talk, and fight. Or face death.” Verdict (As this book is part…