• Book review a place called perfect helena duggan
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    Book review: A Place Called Perfect

    Book review of A Place Called Perfect This is my book review of A Place called Perfect by Helena Duggan. I picked up the book because the cover reminded me of The Uncommoners by Jennifer Bell, and I liked that series. Even though this book is for children/tweens, I wanted to read it because it looked fun and interesting. Find it right here on Amazon * A Place called Perfect “Violet never wanted to move to Perfect. Who wants to live in a town where everyone has to wear glasses to stop them going blind? And who wants to be neat and tidy and perfectly behaved all the time? Violet quickly…

  • Book review The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler
    Books,  Performer,  Performing Arts,  Producer,  Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book review: The Vagina Monologues

    Book Review of The Vagina Monologues This is my book review of The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. I read the book as part of my A Play A Week challenge, where I try to read 52 plays in a year. The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler “2008 marks the tenth anniversary of V-day, the dynamic grassroots movement to end violence against women and girls that was inspired by the international sensation The Vagina Monologues, by Eve Ensler. […] Hailed as the bible for a new generation of women, The Vagina Monologues honors female sexuality in all its complexity and mystery. Witty and irreverent, compassionate and wise, this award-winning masterpiece…

  • Cover Book review The theater and its double by Antonin Artaud
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    Book review: The Theater and its double

    Book review of The Theater and its double “The Theatre and its double” by Antonin Artaud is a collection of letters and manifests, in the book I’ve got. It relates the theatre in its broadest sense, to all sorts of phenomenons and events. All wrapped up in Artauds personal attitude towards what constitutes theatre. The theater and its double by Antonin Artaud “The Theater and Its Double is far and away the most important thing that has been written about the theater in the twentieth century…. It should be read again and again …. Artaud oozed magical desires. He was the metaphysician of the theater. – Jean-Louis Barrault. A collection…

  • Boganmeldelse Yatzy af Mikkel Guldager
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    Boganmeldelse: Yatzy af Mikkel Guldager

    Boganmeldelse af Yatzy af Mikkel Guldager Yatzy af Mikkel Guldager er en personlig fortælling. Det er et litterært blik ind i et døgn i fortællerens sind. Jeg har modtaget et eksemplar af bogen til anmeldelse her på bloggen. Tak til forfatter Mikkel Guldager og Forfatterforlaget Attika for et eksemplar af bogen. Yatzy af Mikkel Guldager “I sin fortælling Yatzy skildrer Mikkel Guldager spørgsmål om identitet, samfundsmoral og livets tilfældigheder. Man følger fortælleren tilbage til et sommerdøgn, hvor den anarkistiske samfundsrebel Jon dukker op i både virkelighed og drøm. Igennem dennes fremkomster forandres fortællerens selvindsigt omkring en broget barndom og et forlist forhold til en mistet far. Yatzy skitserer hudløst ærligt…

  • Boganmeldelse Verdensherrerne - Opvågningen af Pernille Neergård
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    Boganmeldelse: Verdensherrerne – Opvågningen

    Boganmeldelse af Verdensherrerne – Opvågningen Verdensherrerne – Opvågningen er første bind i en fantasy serie af Pernille Neergård. Den handler om en ung pige med magiske kræfter, der bliver sendt på en skole i en parallelverden kaldet Elamenta. Jeg har modtaget et eksemplar af bogen til anmeldelse her på bloggen. Tak til Forlaget Dreamlitt og forfatter Pernille Neergård for anmeldereksemplaret. Verdensherrerne – Opvågningen “Annas Evne vågner efter et opgør mod hendes forfølgere. For at lære at kontrollere sine kræfter bliver hun sendt til Jordens parallelverden, Elamenta. Anna befinder sig nu i en racekrig mellem Elamenta og Skyggeriget, og da hendes Evne udviser særlige egenskaber, bliver hun undervist af selveste Seeren.…

  • Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop
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    Book review: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop

    Book review of The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop This book review of The Necrophiliac will perhaps be weird and surprising. As art has a tendency to do, conflicting emotions appeared when reading The Necrophiliac. The subject in itself is quite morbid and disturbing, but here’s what the book did! The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop “A Parisian antique dealer with a lust for corpses indulges his macabre fetish in this faux shocking novella by the late Wittkop (1920–2002). It’s written in a diary format that plainly records the thoughts and actions of Lucien, a middle-aged man of some means who suffers a terrible loneliness that can only be assuaged by having…

  • Cover: Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
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    Book review: Kafka on the shore

    Book review of Kafka on the Shore This is my book review of Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. I have read “Hardboiled wonderland and the end of the world” before, as my first Murakami book. I loved that one, so I wanted to read more by the same author. So I picked up Kafka on the Shore, for my next Murakami read. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami “Kafka Tamura runs away from home at fifteen, under the shadow of his father’s dark prophecy. The ageing Nakata, tracker of lost cats, who never recovered from a bizarre childhood affliction, finds his pleasantly simplified life suddenly turned upside…

  • What I read in May 2020
    Books,  Uncategorized

    What I read in May 2020

    What I read in May 2020 It’s time to find out what I read in May 2020. Let’s wrap up the month and see what books I read, liked, didn’t like and more. I’ll also dive into a few readathons I’ve participated in. Maybe I made progress on my reading challenges in May 2020? First of all, I just want to stress the fact that I don’t see reading as a competition and I do have months where I don’t read anything, and other times where I read a lot of books. It all depends on my mood, my sparetime and whatever else is going on.  So please, don’t feel…